Canada Releases 2021 Euthanasia Report. More than 10,000 Deaths Representing 3.3% of All Deaths

Alex Schadenberg Health Canada recently released the Third Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada (2021). The data is gathered from the reports submitted by the medical or nurse practitioners who carried out the euthanasia death. There is no requirement that a third party or neutral person submit the reports to ensure their […]
How Bill C-7 Will Sacrifice the Medical Profession’s Standard of Care

Trudo Lemmens, Mary Shariff, Leonie Herx As Parliament discusses Bill C-7’s expansion of the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Act, one issue has been conspicuously absent from public debate, even though it has major implications for medicine and for patients: the impact of the bill on the role of the medical profession in determining the […]