Making Sense of Medicine: Biophotons: The Light of Life

Bob Keller What is a biophoton? When thinking about light, we usually think about light waves. Light waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation that we can see and that has color, based on how fast the wave is vibrating, its frequency. Lower frequencies are toward the red color, and higher frequencies toward violet. There […]
Measurement of the Human Biofield and Other Energetic Instruments

Beverly Rubik Energy medicine is one of the major categories of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). These therapies typically involve low-level energy field interactions. They include human energy therapies, homeopathy, acupuncture, magnet therapy, bioelectromagnetic therapy, electrodermal therapy, and phototherapy, among others. Many of these modalities challenge the dominant biomedical paradigm because they cannot be explained […]
Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts

Beverly Rubik et al. Biofield science is an emerging field of study that aims to provide a scientific foundation for understanding the complex homeodynamic regulation of living systems. By furthering our scientific knowledge of the biofield, we arrive at a better understanding of the foundations of biology as well as the phenomena that have been […]
Light Hungry Mitochondria Dr Fritz Albert Popp, a German biophysicist, has shown in a number of experiments that the cells in our bodies are always emitting low-level light radiation which he called “biophoton emission.” Popp’s experiments suggest that this light emission is the way in which cells communicate. “Light can initiate or arrest cascade-like reactions in the […]