Changes in Dietary Iodine Explains Increasing Incidence of Breast Cancer with Distant Involvement in Young Women

Jay Rappaport The incidence of breast cancer with distant involvement at diagnosis is increasing in young women, age 25-39, possibly at an accelerating rate, as previously demonstrated by Johnson et al. This disturbing trend was also observed in women age 40-54, albeit to a letter extent. Understanding the causes for these changes in cancer demographics is […]
A New Light on Breast Cancer The German New Medicine teaches us that there are two fundamental types of breast cancer, glandular and ductal. As we look at glandular – the biological conflict is a territorial nest-worry (the worry over the well-being of a loved one.) It can also center around an argument, a quarrel or rift regarding a nest or […]
Mammography Madness

William Campbell Douglass American radiologists, with the encouragement of the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society, have spent the last ten years convincing women that they should get a mammogram after the age of forty. We have been urging our female readers not to get mammograms at any age. Our reasoning has been […]
X-Ray Mammograms Starting at 40? New Recommendations Fail to Warn Women of the Real Risks

Sayer Ji In a move that could negatively impact the overall health of women over 40, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released new draft recommendations on Tuesday urging all women to undergo x-ray mammography breast screenings every other year, starting at 40 instead of 50, as previous guidelines from 2016 recommended. … While […]
Debunking the Soy Scare

Vesanto Melina Soy has been the focus of considerable controversy. The roots lie in good and bad science and in the fact that soy poses a threat to the animal products industry. As many shift towards plant foods, interest in soy arises, in part for its top-quality protein. Research also establishes its protection against cardiovascular […]
Soy Foods, Isoflavones, and the Health of Postmenopausal Women

Mark Messina … Isoflavones are classified as both phytoestrogens and selective estrogen receptor modulators. The phytoestrogenic effects of isoflavones have led some to view soy foods and isoflavone supplements as alternatives to conventional hormone therapy. However, clinical research shows that isoflavones and estrogen exert differing effects on a variety of health outcomes. Nevertheless, there is […]
Gadolinium Retention and Breast MRI Screening: More Harm Than Good?

Francesco Sardanelli et al. The purpose of this article is to describe the risk-benefit balance of contrast-enhanced breast MRI (CE-BMRI) screening. CE-BMRI confers risk of effects associated with administration of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs), including nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and gadolinium retention. The risk-benefit balance of CE-BMRI screening is favorable for carriers of BRCA, TP53, or […]
Thermography: A Safe Breast Health Assessment

The Gerson Institute Thermography is a non-invasive way to study the physiology of the human body (as differentiated from ultrasound and mammograms, which study the structure of the body). Thermography simply detects subtle variations in skin temperature using an infrared camera in a temperature-controlled room, which can provide clues to what is going on beneath […]