Dirty Electricity: Invisible Role in the US Health Crisis?

Coffee Machine Near a Stove in the Kitchen

Richard Lear [A] dramatic rise in chronic disease, medical conditions and stress symptoms have arisen in the past thirty years in the US. Between 1990-2015 Americans experienced a surge of more than 400 million cases of just thirty-six fast growing germless chronic conditions. This calculates to about 1.3 cases of a new chronic condition per […]

Is Lab-Grown Meat Healthy and Safe to Consume?

white and black microscope

Jaydee Hanson & Julia Ranney It goes by many names: cultured, cell-based, cultivated, lab-grown meat, etc. As the names imply, it is a meat alternative made in a lab via animal cells and a cultured medium, like fetal bovine serum or a proprietary mix of sugars and salts. Several companies around the world are promoting […]

It’s Time to Change the Concept of Cancer Treatment: Some New Perspectives

electricity, glass ball, colors

Christo Damyanov et al. The review of the effectiveness of the reductionist approach in the treatment of oncological diseases shows insignificant progress in the treatment of oncological diseases. This is due to the use of a limited set of treatment methods mainly in the field of biochemistry and ignoring many scientific advances in biology and […]

Quantum Healing – A Novel Current Concept of Holistic Healing

silhouette of woman raising her right hand

Shrihari TG Human body works as a whole, has an excellent capacity to heal by itself. Holistic healing is a whole body healing yields better results without adverse effects, inexpensive, unlike reductionist view of healing. Inside and outside of our body consists of energy. Most of all diseases are starts in mind, mind is the […]

How Smart Meters May Cause Autism and Cancer

Photo of a Smart Meters of Electricity

Andrew Goldsworthy There is increasing evidence that wireless transmissions have biological effects, some of which are harmful, at levels that may be orders of magnitude below pre- sent safety guidelines. These guidelines were drawn up on the assumption that the radiation could only damage living tissues if it generated significant heat. It has since been […]

Vitamin C: Evidence, Application and Commentary

flat lay photography of sliced pomegranate, lime, and lemon

Melissa Ge et al. Vitamin C is classically seen as a vitamin taken in small doses to prevent scurvy and support the immune system. However, there is increasing evidence show- ing that vitamin C has a much greater role to play in human health, particularly when supra-physiological doses are administered either orally or intravenously for […]

Red Dye #40 Can Make Non-ADD Kids Hyperactive & Alter Brain Function

assorted candies and chocolate pack

Deep Roots at Home A child who eats 2 cups of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, a small bag of Skittles, and 8 ounces of Orange Crush soda will consume 102 milligrams of artificial dye, including red dye #40. Behavioral tests found as little as 30 mg can cause adverse reactions. Since we all understand children are […]

Extracellular Matrix and Its Therapeutic Potential for Cancer Treatment

Jiacheng Huang et al. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is one of the major components of tumors that plays multiple crucial roles, including mechanical support, modulation of the microenvironment, and a source of signaling molecules. The quantity and cross-linking status of ECM components are major factors determining tissue stiffness. During tumorigenesis, the interplay between cancer cells […]