A Holistic Approach to Cancer

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Tom Cowan If you had one word or brief phrase to answer the question, “What causes cancer?” what might it be? You might respond with “emotions,” “toxins,” “fungus,” “stress,” or “bad terrain of the body.” Those are all great answers. But they are not my answer. In my twenty-five years of being a doctor and […]

COVID Boosters Trigger Metastasis

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Joseph Mercola Cancer rates have increased since the introduction of the COVID shots and is now one of the top three leading causes of premature death among younger adults — a trend that in turn is driving down U.S. life expectancy. The leading causes of death in 2021 were heart disease and cancer, both of […]

IgG4 and Cancer – A Mechanism of Action for Cancer Relapse and Onset

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Jessica Rose I refer you all to a paper published in 2016 in Current Allergy and Asthma Reports entitled: “IgG4 Characteristics and Functions in Cancer Immunity”. This paper reveals that not only is there a link between tumor progression and the presence of IgG4 due to class switching, but that this link might even be […]

What if Cancer is Not a Disease But a Cure

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Northern Tracey There are so many different theories about what cancer is. The conventional theory is our own cells get out of control (proliferating) and stop dying like normal cells would after a given time period. (Different body cells have differing life-spans and the natural death of a cell is called apoptosis). They carry on […]

Fruit and Vegetable Peels: Paving the Way Towards the Development of New Generation Therapeutics

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Hamendra S. Parmar et al. Interestingly, the last few years have seen an increase in the number of available reports on fruits and vegetable peels, and particularly on their biological activity, their content of different bioactive compounds, their chemical characterization, understanding of their structure-activity relationships, isolation and purification of commercially important chemicals without using high […]

Aneuploidy – The Chromosomal Imbalance that Leads to Cancer

Ulrike Granögger To date, the prevalent approach to understanding and curing cancer has been to sequence the cancer genome and find the responsible oncogene(s). But this approach has turned out to be futile, with many studies showing great heterogeneity within individual tumors. In fact, no cancer cell is alike; even within the same tumor, gene […]

The Nature of Tumors

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Caroline Markolin … when we suffer unexpected emotional stress, the ”conflict shock“ impacts in an area in the brain that is programmed to deal with exactly the particular type of distress experienced. From over 40,000 case studies, Dr. Hamer established that when the brain receives the impact, which is visible on a brain scan, the […]