Wi-Fi is an Important Threat to Human Health

Martin L. Pall Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload. Each of these effects are also caused by exposures to other microwave frequency EMFs, with each such effect being documented in from 10 to 16 reviews. Therefore, […]
Prenatal Ultrasound – Not So Sound After All

Children’s Health Defense Team Prenatal ultrasound is a taken-for-granted component of modern maternity care, to such an extent that most obstetrician-gynecologists find it impossible to practice their profession without it … Despite the absence of demonstrated bene ts, there is also a trend toward “new applications of ultrasound…at earlier stages in pregnancy” … including Doppler […]
Light Hungry Mitochondria
drsircus.com Dr Fritz Albert Popp, a German biophysicist, has shown in a number of experiments that the cells in our bodies are always emitting low-level light radiation which he called “biophoton emission.” Popp’s experiments suggest that this light emission is the way in which cells communicate. “Light can initiate or arrest cascade-like reactions in the […]