Cancer – It’s Not What We’re Told: Part 3

Dawn Lester & David Parker In parts one and two, we showed that the medical establishment does not provide the public with correct information about most of the aspects of the condition that is given the label ‘cancer’. Another erroneous idea is that cancer spreads to other parts of the body in a process called […]
War? What Is It Good For? Mustard Gas Medicine

Susan L. Smith Mustard gas, which was named for its yellow-brown colour and mustard smell, has been in the news lately because of its use in the Middle East, including against civilians in Syria and Iraq. Many North Americans would be shocked, however, to learn of the deep connection between mustard gas, a chemical weapon, […]
Chemotherapy: The Scary, Staggering Truth About the Fraud

Vernon Coleman Over the years I have repeatedly found that all medical recommendations are best treated with a large dose of scepticism. Nowhere is this more true than in the treatment of cancer. … Chemotherapy might improve a patient’s chances of survival by three to five per cent though that modest figure is usually over […]