Ending the Peanut Allergy Epidemic

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Thinking Moms’ Revolution In the early 1990s, tens of thousands of children with severe food allergy arrived for kindergarten at schools across Canada, the U.K., Australia and the U.S. This sudden phenomenon of life-threatening allergy in kids only in specific countries occurred simultaneously, without warning, and quickly intensified. … The much anticipated five-year LEAP study […]

Let the EVIDENCE Speak: Did Vaccines Save Us?

Vax Info Start Here There is a perception out there that vaccines saved us from the deadly diseases of the 19th and 20th centuries. But did they? Please review the evidence below. You will see that in developed nations, mortality from these diseases declined dramatically before  vaccines came in, with the trend heading downward (smallpox and polio […]

Vaccines and Sudden Infant Death: An Analysis of the VAERS Database 1990-2019 and Review of the Medical Literature

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Neil Z. Miller Although there is considerable evidence that a subset of infants has an increased risk of sudden death after receiving vaccines, health authorities eliminated “prophylactic vaccination” as an official cause of death, so medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause-of- death classifications. In this paper, the Vaccine […]

160 Research Papers Supporting Vaccine/Autism Causation

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Ginger Taylor Mainstream research has found that vaccines and their ingredients can cause the underlying medical conditions that committed physicians and researchers are commonly finding in children who have been given an autism diagnosis. These conditions include gastrointestinal damage, immune system impairment, chronic infections, mitochondrial disorders, autoimmune conditions, neurological regression, glial cell activation, interleukin-6 secretion […]

The Misunderstood Theory of Herd Immunity

Marco Cáceres Because of the recent outbreaks of measles in the United States and the re-energized public debate about vaccines and vaccination policy, we’re again starting to hear references to the theory of “herd immunity.” The theory is the foundation for the mass vaccination campaigns around the world. It currently stipulates that in order to […]

The Deadly Impossibility of Herd Immunity Through Vaccination

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Russell L. Blaylock … When public-health officers are asked for the legal justification for such draconian measures as forcing people to accept vaccines that they deem either a clear and present danger to themselves and their loved ones or have had personal experience with serious adverse reactions to such vaccines, they usually resort to the […]