How Can Vaccines Cause Damage?

No vaccine is perfectly safe. An adverse event can be said to be caused by a vaccine (i.e., a true reaction) if it is associated with a specific laboratory finding and a specific clinical syndrome or both. Alternatively, a clinical or epidemiological study is needed to find out whether the rate of a given syndrome […]

Many Eco-friendly Children’s Products Found to Contain Toxic PFAS Chemicals

Silent Spring Institute A new study shows many children’s products, including those with green certifications, contain harmful PFAS chemicals that were not listed on the label. The findings demonstrate the pervasiveness of PFAS in products and the challenges for consumers trying to avoid toxic chemicals in their everyday lives. Studies have linked PFAS with a […]

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Canadian Children and Youth

Tracy Vaillancourt et al. Children and youth flourish in environments that are predictable, safe, and structured. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted these protective factors making it difficult for children and youth to adapt and thrive. Pandemic-related school closures, family stress, and trauma have led to increases in mental health problems in some children and youth, […]

U.S. Declares Monkeypox Health Emergency, FDA Offers Vaccine to Some Kids Despite No Clinical Trials

Megan Redshaw The U.S. declared monkeypox a public health emergency to raise awareness and allow for additional funding to fight the disease’s spread, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said on Thursday. … Becerra said he also is considering a second declaration that would allow federal officials to expedite medical countermeasures — such as potential treatments and […]

Tylenol Use in Babies, Children Raises Risk of Autism, New Review Shows

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Julie Comber The authors of a new review of the drug acetaminophen (paracetamol), sold under the brand names Tylenol and Panadol, are sounding the alarm about the use of the drug in infants and children, citing the drug’s association with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). … The review, published in the July issue of Minerva Pediatrics, offers […]

7 Reasons to End Mask Mandates for Good: A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and All People

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World Council for Health Mask wearing has become commonplace around the world. Though mandates have been lifted in many places, some individuals continue to still wear a mask, particularly in indoor spaces. And with predicted waves of Covid-19 to continue into the fall and winter, there are concerns that public health authorities will reinstate mask […]