Proof that Canada’s COVID-19 Mortality Statistics Are Incorrect

flag of Canada

Denis G. Rancourt et al. We make a quantitative comparison between the COVID-19 mortality statistics of the Government of Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada; managed by the Chief Public Health Officer) and calculated total excess all-cause mortality (ACM) (deaths from all causes) for the Covid period. The claimed “COVID-19 deaths” mortality is almost double […]

Paper for a Parliamentary Peer, So Far Unactioned

people having rally in the middle of road

Tess Lawrie So many of us have duly presented such evidence to those with the power to influence policy. I recently received this remarkable paper, based on correspondence by someone who is related to a number of members of the UK’s House of Lords. In it, the relation explains, point by salient point, why she […]

mRNA Vaccines and COVID Linked to POTS, a Debilitating Condition Affecting Heart, Other Organs

The Defender Staff According to a study published Monday in Nature Cardiovascular Research, COVID-19 and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are linked to postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a debilitating autonomic nervous system disorder. POTS symptoms include an elevated heart rate, dizziness, heart palpitations, fainting, lightheadedness, headaches, chest pain, brain fog, anxiety, depression and fatigue, among others. Comparing POTS […]

Those Who Chose Shaming Over Science

Gabrielle Bauer For the first 62 years of my life, I don’t recall anyone calling me a selfish idiot, much less a sociopath or a mouth-breathing Trumptard. All that changed when Covid rolled in and I expressed, ever so gingerly, a few concerns about the lockdown policies. … From the earliest days of the pandemic, […]

Is Immunity Debt Real, or Should You Keep Kids in a Bubble?

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Joseph Mercola Children who aren’t exposed to germs on a regular basis have different microbiomes than those who are. The microbiome, in turn, plays a decisive role in how well one’s immune system works. Exposure to nonpathogenic microorganisms helps prevent immune-mediated chronic disorders, as they act as immunomodulatory signaling agents. They basically train your immune […]

Asymptomatic People Do Not Spread COVID-19

three men and one woman laughing during daytime

Joseph Mercola A vast majority of those testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic. They simply aren’t sick. The PCR test is merely picking up inactive (noninfectious) viral particles. In one study, which looked at pregnant women admitted for delivery, 87.5% of the women who tested positive for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 had no symptoms. A […]