Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud

F. William Engdahl One of the outcomes of the alleged new SARS Covid virus that publicly emerged in 2019 is that the medical specialization of virology has been raised to a stature almost Godlike in the media. Few understand the origins of virology and its elevation into a leading role in today’s medicine practice. For […]

Plausibility But Not Science Has Dominated Public Discussions of the Covid Pandemic

Harvey Risch Science is the performance of empirical or observational work to obtain evidence confirming or refuting theories. … theories tend to be plausible statements describing something specific about how nature operates. Plausibility is in the eye of the beholder, since what is plausible to a technically knowledgeable expert may not be plausible to a […]

The Spike Protein eBook All previous outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics end when Community Immunity, NOT the discredited “Herd Immunity”, renders the majority of us immunologically able to handle contact with the pathogen instead of succumbing to it. The destructive and illogical measures brought in to support the Declared Pandemic, now into the second year, the counterproductive masking, social […]

How Vaccines Drive Covid Variants

Amanuensis Variants have been one of the hallmarks of this pandemic, with ever more infectious forms of the virus apparently mutating themselves into existence at regular intervals. … At the point that it was clear the vaccines weren’t sterilising, the theory behind what might be the ‘correct’ level of vaccination changes completely. With non-sterilising vaccines, […]

Can New Onset Psychosis Occur After mRNA Based COVID-19 Vaccine Administration? A Case Report

Samuel Reinfeld et al. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a deleterious impact on mental health at multiple levels. Fear of infection, stress related to social isolation, work, financial or family loss can lead to mood symptoms, anxiety or substance abuse. COVID-19 infection is associated with a host of neuropsychiatric symptoms, including psychosis, even in […]