A Canadian Perspective on How to Reduce Spike Protein

Bill Code Excess spike proteins originate from several different sources. These include infection with SARS Cov-1, MERS And SARS Cov-2 which is also called COVID-19. In addition, all four of the gene therapy injections from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson also include the production of spike protein. In fact, Novavax also causes spike […]

COVID-19 Prevention: Vitamin D Is Still a Valid Remedy

Different Medicines Placed on White Surface

Rachel Nicoli and Michael Y. Henein Seven meta-analyses and systematic reviews and three later clinical trials argued that low vitamin D status increased susceptibility to COVID-19 and the risk of greater disease severity and mortality [1–10]. Furthermore, there are five meta-analyses and systematic reviews of vitamin D supplementation for the prevention of acute respiratory infection […]

Four Myths about Pandemic Preparedness

People Holding A Poster Asking About Facts On Coronavirus

David Bell It seems unavoidable that those advocating for the current pandemic and preparedness agenda are intentionally misleading the public in order to achieve their aims. This explains why, in the background documents of the WHO, the World Bank, G20 and others, detailed cost-benefit analyses are avoided. The same absence of this basic requirement characterized […]

Time to Unmask the Truth

boy in black and red hoodie sitting on gray concrete floor during daytime

Eric Payne To be clear, the policy-grade data regarding masking for COVID-19 and influenza fail to show any protection against infection. If the Ontario CMOH has such data, he has not provided it. Yet the relentless messaging that masking our children is safe and effective persists. We are not allowed to question the global COVID […]

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein S1 Induces Fibrin(ogen) Resistant to Fibrinolysis: Implications for Microclot Formation in COVID-19

Lize M. Grobbelaar et al. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2)-induced infection, the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is characterized by unprecedented clinical pathologies. One of the most important pathologies, is hypercoagulation and microclots in the lungs of patients. Here we study the effect of isolated SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit as potential […]

What is Causing the Blood Clots from “Died Suddenly?”

A Midwestern Doctor Because these fibrous clots are so unusual they have understandably provoked a great deal of confusion and uncertainty which has led many to grasp for rather unusual explanations over what is occurring. In situations like these, I believe that if a simple and comprehensive explanation can be identified, that represents the best […]