The Spike Protein

Viroliegy I often get asked many questions regarding the so-called “coronavirus” spike protein, such as whether or not it actually exists and whether it is actually in the vaccine. Does this particle hold any biological relevance whatsoever or is it just another in a long line of illustrations used to generate fear? If anyone is […]

Deep in the Wombs of Women: The Hidden Harm of Covid Vaccines

woman in brown shirt covering her face

Mary Beth Pfeiffer Organized by a group called “Where’s my cycle,” the rally focused on intimate revelations: heavy bleeding, unprecedented pain, humiliation, and elemental physical changes. These symptoms began, not coincidentally, at the start of 2021, when women put out their arms and took, or were coerced by employers to take, covid-19 vaccinations. The 300 […]

What is Causing the Explosion of RSV?

A Midwestern Doctor When the vaccination campaign began, many predicted it would lead to an increase in other infectious diseases … before we proceed further, I need to state that there is a major piece of evidence which argues against it, that being that the increase is also being observed in children between 0-6 months […]

Long-Term Organ Damage after COVID-19 Vaccines Emerging in Medical Literature

Peter A. McCullough Of all the great tension both doctors and patients have faced in the COVID-19 crisis is the lack of assurances on long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccines … For genetic products which includes mRNA and adenoviral DNA, the minimum time is 5 years … Canney et al studied 1105 patients who had stable […]

FDA Oversight of Clinical Trials is “Grossly Inadequate” Say Experts

Maryanne Demasi On 25 September 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received a complaint by Brook Jackson who had been working for Ventavia Research Group, a Texas based company hired to run clinical trials for Pfizer’s covid-19 mRNA vaccine. Jackson, a regional director, had witnessed problems at three trial sites she was overseeing […]