Media Release: Canadian Leaders Issue Letters to End Coercive and Unscientific Policies

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Canada Health Alliance, Vaccine Choice Canada, Students Against Mandates, Children’s Health Defense, Action 4 Canada, Canadian Frontline Nurses, Take Action Canada, TBOF (Taking Back Our Freedoms), Veterans for Freedom and the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms On Sept 12, 2022, numerous post-secondary institutions in Ontario were issued an Open Letter (Appendix A) and Evidence Package […]

Doctors Call for End to Vaccine Mandates in Healthcare after Deaths of at least 32 Canadian Doctors due to COVID Vaccination

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Rhoda Wilson As of 3 September, Dr. William Makis had identified 32 young Canadian doctors who “died suddenly” in the past 16 months. The doctors were fully Covid “vaccinated.” Dr. Markis’ letter to Smart and Lafontaine, former and current president respectively of the Canadian Medical Association (“CMA”), stated: “I am attaching photos and information of […]

RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company

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Whitney Webb Since late last year, messenger RNA for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, including its recently reformulated Omicron booster, has been exclusively manufactured by a little known company with significant ties to US intelligence. … Under the terms of the multi-year agreement, “Resilience will produce mRNA for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at its facility in Mississauga, Ontario, for distribution worldwide.” National Resilience was founded relatively recently, […]

Evidence of Harm

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Steve Kirsch Here’s a high level collection of some of the most compelling pieces of evidence I’ve seen to date. This is not an exhaustive list, but just the key pieces of data that are impossible to explain if the vaccines are safe and effective. I’ve divided the collection into sections and I’ve tried to […]

Kidney Transplants Rejected Within Weeks of Receiving Covid Injections

Rhoda Wilson Fourteen days after being injected with an AstraZeneca “vaccine” a 25-year-old woman suffered a transplant rejection. Almost four and a half years earlier she had a successful kidney transplant and she did not report any difficulties until after “vaccination.” A case report published in Nature on 2 March 2022 details this patient’s transplant […]

Rebutting “Health Feedback’s” Critique of our Article “Vascular and Organ Damage Induced by mRNA Vaccines: Irrefutable Proof of Causality”

Michael Palmer and Sucharit Bhakdi On August 19, 2022, we published on this website an article which summarized evidence from autopsies that demonstrated autoimmune-like inflammation in the blood vessels and tissues of patients who had died after receiving a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. In the foci of inflammation, the vaccine-induced expression of spike protein had also been […]

Answering Crucial Questions About Sars-Cov-2

Thomas Renz, Pamela A. Popper In early 2020, billions of people were told by governments and health agencies all over the worldthat a “novel virus” had caused severe illness in several individuals in Wuhan, China. Shortlyafter this announcement, people were told that the lethality rate for this virus, SARS-CoV-2,could be ten times higher than typical […]