Lipid Nanoparticles Corrupt Nature

Cells under Microscope

Christ Flowers This report delves into the history of lipid nanoparticles, as well as their use by pharmaceutical companies as a casing for mRNA in the COVID vaccines. It concludes that the use of the lipid nanoparticles to deliver mRNA causes widespread and significant harms to the human body. Without the lipid nanoparticles, mRNA cannot […]

Is There a Link between the 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake in Europe and 2022 Excess All-Cause Mortality?

the new york times newspaper

Jarle Aarstad & Olav Andreas Kvitastein Purpose: We primarily study a possible link between 2021 COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Europe and monthly 2022 excess all-cause mortality, that is, mortality higher than before the pandemic.  Methods and Results: Analyses of 31 countries weighted by population size show that all-cause mortality during the first 9 months of 2022 increased more […]

Measuring the Mandates: Questioning the State’s Response to COVID-19

red and white UNKs restaurant

Richard Cox ( In 2020, the announcement of a pandemic saw the implications of this claim manifest in the most pronounced and consequential manner since the Second World War. Politicians around the world insisted that they needed to restrict human freedom and mandate medical interventions—all in order to keep us safe. They had the power […]

Fall of the Experts

red and brown book

Steve Templeton Because experts failed so miserably to live up to the public and media’s magical thinking the last three years, the word “expert” has lost a lot of its meaning, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Experts are terrible at predictions and don’t have much knowledge outside of their often narrow fields of […]

The Virus, the Vaccine, the Victims: Beginning the Great Reckoning

Man in Brown Jacket Wearing Black Gloves

Margret Kopala As Covid-19 recedes, a worldwide evaluation of how the pandemic was handled is finally underway. As much as governments, public health leaders and o!icial science want to avoid questions, others with courage and determination are digging in and finding answers, including Canada’s privately organized National Citizens Inquiry. Margret Kopala examines the damage done […]

Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 Shots

white and blue labeled bottle

Joseph Mercola Microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project — has discovered massive DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID shots, including simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone. In 2002, […]

So Long “Covid”

virus, microbiology, cell

Mike Stone … is “long Covid” a clearly definable condition or is it the mere creation of media hype and fear propaganda preying on those who were already over-stressed and in a heightened state of fear? Were the symptoms that are now associated with “long Covid” either the exacerbation of pre-existing conditions that existed prior […]

BC Wrong for Forcing Unvaccinated Health Care Workers into Unemployment

hammer, books, law

Suzanne Anton (BC’s Attorney General 2013-2017) “COVID is over” are welcome words to many in B.C. But “COVID” is not over for the large group of unvaccinated health care workers (HCWs) who continue to be off the job. Nor is it over for the ongoing scarcity of medical services in our province, nor for the […]