The Naked Absurdity of Global Public Health

David Bell Something is fundamentally wrong with global public health. More accurately, something is fundamentally wrong with the mindset of global health professionals, particularly those in positions of leadership. It has become normal to speak, repeat, and defend complete absurdity, as if illusions and fantasies are real. There are no sanctions for operating in this […]

Vitamin D3 and K2 and Their Potential Contribution to Reducing the COVID-19 Mortality Rate

Simon Goddek The world is desperately seeking for a sustainable solution to combat the coronavirus strain SARS-CoV 2 (COVID-19). Recent research indicated that optimizing Vitamin D blood levels could offer a solution approach that promises a heavily reduced fatality rate as well as solving the public health problem of counteracting the general vitamin D deficiency. […]

Vitamin D for COVID-19: Real-time Meta Analysis of 89 Treatment and 137 Sufficiency Studies Vitamin D reduces risk for COVID-19 with very high confidence for mortality, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery, and in pooled analysis, high confidence for ventilation and cases, and low confidence for progression and viral clearance. We show traditional outcome specific analyses and combined evidence from all studies, incorporating treatment delay, a primary confounding factor in […]

Could the Immune Response after Vaccination Damage the Gut Flora?

Philip McMillan There are a percentage of people who develop long Covid type symptoms after vaccination, with no evidence of links to active infection. How can that be possible? Research is now indicating that long Covid is primarily a disease of the gut, associated with persistent immune activation and damage to gut microflora leading to […]

Why We Question the Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines

Robert M. Kaplan and Sander Greenland A new bivalent COVID vaccine will become available this week.  Last week, along with an international group of physicians and scientists, we published a study suggesting that the risks of COVID-19 vaccines may be greater than previously reported.  Using publicly available data from Pfizer and Moderna studies, we found […]

Fundamentally Flawed COVID-19 ‘Science’

Byram W. Bridle Throughout the past several years apparently healthy people have been re-defined as being potential asymptomatic spreaders of a disease that can be lethal in high-risk individuals. The disease is known as the novel coronavirus disease that was first identified in 2019 (COVID-19). People around the world have been instilled with near-paralyzing fear […]

PCR Testing Timeline

Totality of Evidence The PCR test has been used globally to diagnose the disease COVID-19, and create the case statistics. The justification for mass testing everyone stems from the allegedly phenomenon that healthy individuals could carry and spread the virus unknowingly to vulnerable members of the population. As prophylactic treatments and early treatments were taken off the […]