Sound Healing Using Solfeggio Frequencies

Sonya Joseph This research paper intends to educate individuals how they can use music therapy, electromagnetic sound frequencies and Solfeggio Sound science to heal mind, body and spirit. We will research Sound healing using solfeggio frequencies and i it can be an effective tool in heal generational trauma and DNA.
The Redox Rx: How to Improve Your Redox Potential

Jack Kruse Water is life’s battery, collagen is the wire that connects the negative and positive charge within the battery, and the sun’s light is the constant energy source for the water battery to recharge. … An environment with a “low redox potential” means electrons have a weak-charged environment. Non-native EMF is an example of […]
Hydrophobic Catalysis and a Potential Biological Role of DNA Unstacking Induced by Environmental Effects

Bobo Feng et al. The main stabilizer of the DNA double helix is not the base-pair hydrogen bonds but coin-pile stacking of base pairs, whose hydrophobic cohesion, requiring abundant water, indirectly makes the DNA interior dry so that hydrogen bonds can exert full recognition power. We report that certain semihydrophobic agents depress the stacking energy […]
A New Insight Into How DNA Is Held Together

Chalmers University of Technology DNA is constructed of two strands, consisting of sugar molecules and phosphate groups. Between these two strands are nitrogen bases, the compounds which make up organisms’ genes, with hydrogen bonds between them. Those hydrogen bonds have sometimes been seen as crucial to holding the two strands together. But now, researchers from […]
The Amino Age and the New abNormal Doctors

Northern Tracey mRNA is apparently the only new cure for all our ills. They’re even giving this new era in medicine a name calling it the ‘Amino Age’ but is it all it’s cracked up to be? … The amino age is the offered solution but is it a solution at all or just another […]
DNA is the Constitution of Life and They are Destroying it with Gene-Based Injections

Guy Hatchard … life already has a constitution, a sort of Cosmic Constitution – our DNA. DNA contains the miracle set of intelligent instructions which ensure that the second law of thermodynamics – the law of universal decay – is not just circumvented, but actually reversed to become a law of evolution. The myriad of […]
New CRISPR-based Tool Inserts Large DNA Sequences in Desired Sites in Cells

Anne Trafton Building on the CRISPR gene-editing system, MIT researchers have designed a new tool that can snip out faulty genes and replace them with new ones, in a safer and more efficient way. Using this system, the researchers showed that they could deliver genes as long as 36,000 DNA base pairs to several types […]
Independent Science on the Effects of EMF Radiation on Human Health

Robert O. Young Long-term exposure to wireless radiation is a proven health hazard. 5G puts your privacy, security, safety and property values at risk. There are more than 1,000 scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world concerning the biological effects of RF radiation. Here we present some of the most recent.I. Effects […]