Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G After Study Shows Regulators Ignoring Health Risks of Radiation

Michael Nevradakis The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warned about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology and said their research shows existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated and harmful to human health and wildlife. The International Commission on the Biological E ects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) conducted […]
Nanoelectric Theories: Rice University 2016 Self Assembling Graphene in Electromagnetic Influence

Mark Trozzi Consider the concept of injectable graphene oxide self-assembling into electrical components under the influence of electromagnetic influence. Is this nothing but a crazy unrealistic futuristic sci-fi fantasy? … this Rice University research presented more than five years ago should alert us that such proposals of an interaction between injectable graphene and 5G directed […]
Electromagnetic Radiation & Wireless: Health Impacts
Children’s Health Defense The telecommunications industry, aided by governments around the world, rolled out their infrastructure that makes this technology available in virtually every corner of our lives. Yet they did so before exposure to RF-EMF, radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation had been fully evaluated. In fact, the safety of cell towers and cell phones was not studied for […]
Unsafe Canadian Cell Phones: the List Finally Released!
Equipe Phonegate It took two years before Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) sent our local contact, Sharon Noble, the list of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) levels of unsafe cell phones tested between 2016 and 2021 in Canada. A large part of the cell phones tested in Canada came from manufacturers, the others were […]
5 G Wireless Telecommunications Expansion: Public Health and Environmental Implications
Cindy L. Russell The popularity, widespread use and increasing dependency on wireless technologies has spawned a tele- communications industrial revolution with increasing public exposure to broader and higher frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit data through a variety of devices and infrastructure. On the horizon, a new generation of even shorter high frequency 5G […]
The Political Economy of Autism

Toby Rogers Autism is an epidemic and a pandemic by any reasonable definition of those words. … Genetic theories of autism never made much sense because “there is no such thing as a genetic epidemic” — the human genome just does not change that fast. … In the last decade, three groups of top epidemiologists […]
Scientists Warn Of Potential Serious Health Effects of 5G

September 13, 2017 We the undersigned, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields […]
Millimeter (MM) Wave and Microwave Frequency Radiation Produce Deeply Penetrating Effects: the Biology and the Physics

Martin L. Pall Millimeter wave (MM-wave) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are predicted to not produce penetrating effects in the body. The electric but not magnetic part of MM-EMFs are almost completely absorbed within the outer 1 mm of the body. Rodents are reported to have penetrating MM-wave impacts on the brain, the myocardium, liver, kidney and […]