Canadian Medical Journal Offers Guidelines for Euthanasia/Organ-Harvesting Non-Terminally Ill Patients

Wesley J. Smith A new Canadian Medical Association Journal article updates recommendations for doctors to apply when euthanizing and organ harvesting non-terminally ill patients. The article was published in the wake of Canadian law now allowing patients who are not dying to ask for euthanasia — called “Track 2” patients in the article. (Track 1 […]
Bioethicists: Euthanasia Okay for ‘Unjust Social Conditions’

Wesley J. Smith Once killing the sufferer becomes a societally acceptable means for ending suffering, there becomes no end to the “suffering” that justifies human termination. We can see this phenomenon most vividly in Canada, because it is happening there more quickly than in most cultures. For example, a recent poll found that 27 percent […]
Why Did Do Many Doctors Become Nazis?

Ashley K. Fernandes Medicine and law are intimately connected to one another, and, since the professionalization of medicine in the United States and Europe in the latter half of the 19th century, even more so. One discipline that connects both is moral philosophy; for both law and medicine involve reason and the will, directed toward […]
Assisted Dying in Canada Has Been Captured by a Medical Ideology

Scott Kim Now that the Canadian government has introduced a bill to delay implementing psychiatric MAID – assisted dying for people whose sole underlying condition is a mental illness – this is a good time to step back and reflect on how Canada got here. Last week’s release of a joint parliamentary committee’s report on […]
First, Do No Harm

Mark S. Komrad Canada just passed a law that radically changes the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable medical practice and has opened a path to euthanasia for patients with psychiatric illness who find their conditions unbearable. In 2016, Canada passed Bill C-14, a law permitting medical euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, together known as Medical Aid […]
Trudeau Caught with His Euthanasia Pants down with Assisted Suicide Program

David Krayden “Justice” Minister David Lametti is putting the brakes on the expansion of his government’s assisted suicide program, known under the euphemism of the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Sounds almost innocuous doesn’t it? Why are Trudeau and Lametti apparently losing their enthusiasm for a program that is fast becoming legalized euthanasia after they announced it […]
Canada Releases 2021 Euthanasia Report. More than 10,000 Deaths Representing 3.3% of All Deaths

Alex Schadenberg Health Canada recently released the Third Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada (2021). The data is gathered from the reports submitted by the medical or nurse practitioners who carried out the euthanasia death. There is no requirement that a third party or neutral person submit the reports to ensure their […]
Canada’s Euthanasia Law is a Moral Outrage

Alex Schadenberg “Canada has the dubious honour of being the global capital of euthanasia. Through its medical assistance in dying (MAID) programme, Canada killed more people with lethal injections last year than any other country on Earth – many of them poor, homeless or hopeless. And soon, from March 2023, lethal injections will be offered […]