US State-wise VAERS COVID19 Injection Death Rate Predict State-wise 2021 Excess All Cause Mortality Rate

Hervé Seligmann For the USA, total all cause mortality increased by 613779 deaths in 2021 as compared to 2019 and by 114336 deaths as compared to 2020. This corresponds to an average state-wise increase in age-adjusted all cause mortality rate of about 1 promil in 2021, a 12 percent increase, from 7.96 to 8.93 deaths […]
Did Side Effects from the Covid Shots Cause Any Excess Mortality?

PANDA To put this into perspective, the global average IFR of Covid for everyone under 70 had been determined to be about 0.07%.Despite the fact that all-cause mortality figures avoid the bias of how a death was classified, determining vaccine fatalities from excess deaths is not as simple as it might sound. In the first […]
How Experts Lie (Part 2)

Daniel Nagase Many parties are using this government of Canada article to justify their (over)reaction to COVID-19. 19/epidemiological-economic-research-data/excess-mortality-impacts-age- comorbidity.html Is a “Fact Sheet” with an “estimated” 5.7% excess mortality, a lie? Don’t take my word for it. Compare’s 5.7% “quasi-Mathematics” with reality … Is there any visible “Excess” in the Mortality Rate for […]
Proof that Canada’s COVID-19 Mortality Statistics Are Incorrect

Denis G. Rancourt et al. We make a quantitative comparison between the COVID-19 mortality statistics of the Government of Canada (Public Health Agency of Canada; managed by the Chief Public Health Officer) and calculated total excess all-cause mortality (ACM) (deaths from all causes) for the Covid period. The claimed “COVID-19 deaths” mortality is almost double […]
COVID-Period Mass Vaccination Campaign and Pubic Health Disaster in the USA
Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Jérémie Mercier All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable data for detecting and epidemiologically characterizing events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge or collapse in deaths from any cause. Such data is not susceptible to reporting bias or to any bias in attributing causes […]
400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International Medical Crisis Due to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths
Will Jones Over 400 doctors, scientists and professionals from more than 34 countries this morning declared an international medical crisis due to “diseases and death associated with the ‘COVID-19 vaccines’”. Launched at a press conference on Saturday, September 10th, the declaration states: “We are currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the […]
Declaration of International Medical Crisis Due to the Diseases and Death Co-related to the “COVID-19 Vaccines” We, the medical doctors and scientists from all over the world, declare that there is an international medical crisis due to the diseases and deaths co-related to the administration of products known as “COVID-19 vaccines”. We are currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the majority of the population has received […]
Did Lockdowns Cause Increased Mortality Rates?
Joseph Mercola Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an alarming picture. Far more people died in 2021, after the rollout of the COVID shots, and in 2022, than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020. Mainstream media are trying to divert your attention from the elephant in the room — mass injection […]