Is CAFO Animal Waste the Dirty Secret of Organic Foods?

Joseph Mercola Chicken feces, or chicken litter, and other animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is commonly used as fertilizer, including for organic crops. CAFO waste used as fertilizer is contaminated with pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant genes, growth hormones, heavy metals and pesticides. In the U.S., feces from broiler chickens […]
GMOs: Ottawa Presents Its Reform Using Files from an Agrochemicals Lobby

Canadian Biotechnology Action Network With this controversial reform proposal, the seed industry would be exempt from controls and transparency obligations Did the agrochemical lobby participate in the drafting of controversial federal reforms to facilitate the marketing of a new generation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? Two embargoed documents from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), […]