Lessons from the Flu Epidemic of 1918: The Dangers of Using Fever Suppressing Drugs for Viral Infections

Dana Ullman 50 million were thought to have died as a result of the influenza epidemic of 1918, but there is now a potential newly uncovered contributing factor to many of these deaths. Aspirin went o patent in 1917, making it available at cheaper prices, and because its patent-owner, Bayer, had worldwide distribution of it, […]
Four Cases of Cytokine Storm after COVID-19 Vaccination: Case Report
Kazuhiro Murata et al. Four cases of cytokine storm after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report The global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to the rapid development of vaccines against this disease. Despite the success of the international vaccination program, adverse events following vaccination, and the mechanisms behind them, remain poorly understood. Here we present […]