Aches, Pains and Diet

Vesanto Melina Stiffness, arthritis, and aching joints: what have these to do with diet? The causes of various forms of arthritis are complex and sometimes little understood. Yet recent research indicates that foods can significantly affect arthritic symptoms for certain people.
Solving the Puzzle of Fibromyalgia

Stephen Byrnes The pains and symptoms of fibromyalgia have no known, discernible cause, but a number of theories have been put forward. Brain imbalances, chronic infection with candida albicans and other fungi, anemia, parasites (including protozoans like giardia), hypoglycemia, hypo-thyroidism, hepatitis, and heavy metal poisoning, including mercury toxicity from amalgam fillings, have all been proposed, […]
An Osteopathic Approach to Fibromyalgia

Michael A. Seffinger An osteopathic approach to the patient entails viewing all aspects of health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) as a combination of coordinated body functions that make up that unique individual patient. It is a patient-centered focus, emphasizing health- oriented principles of patient care and adds the osteopathic touch—i.e., hands on manual diagnosis […]