Technology as Servant: Avoiding Glyphosate in Feminine Hygiene Product

John Moody/Wise Traditions Winter 2015 … a recent Argentinian study has found glyphosate in tampons. Now, this news in itself, while galling, did not surprise me. Cotton, after all, was one of the first genetically modified (GM) crops, is one of the heaviest consumers of industrial agricultural chemicals—in particular, the herbicide Roundup, whose active ingredient […]
Glyphosate, Pathways to Modern Diseases: Celiac Sprue and Gluten Intolerance

Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff Celiac disease, and, more generally, gluten intolerance, is a growing problem worldwide, but especially in North America and Europe, where an estimated 5% of the population now suffers from it. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, skin rashes, macrocytic anemia and depression. It is a multifactorial disease associated with numerous nutritional deficiencies […]
How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health

Joseph Mercola Glyphosate is a very efficient metal chelator. This, in turn, disrupts your gut microbes because it makes minerals unavailable to the microbes. Your gut microbes need those minerals, as their enzymes depend on them for proper functioning. There’s a strong correlation between the rise in celiac disease over time and the rise in […]
Glyphosate in Collagen

Stephanie Seneff … three different microbial species have developed resistance to glyphosate by swapping out a glycine residue at the site where the substrate phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is secured in place. All three microbes have replaced this glycine residue with alanine (adding one extra methyl group). This results in a reduction in the efficiency of […]
Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size

Abha Sharma et al. It is now well-confirmed that hydrophilic surfaces including those within the cell generate structural changes in water. This interfacial water is ordered and acquires features different from the bulk. Amongst those features is the exclusion of colloidal and molecular solutes from extensive regions next to the hydrophilic surface, thereby earning it […]
GMO: Myths & Facts

Claire Robinson The public is constantly told that genetically modified (GM) crops and foods are needed to feed the world’s growing population and to meet the challenges that face farmers – climate change as well as pests and diseases. It is claimed that GM crops will make agriculture more sustainable, giving higher yields, reducing […]
Glyphosate Weed Killer Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier, Linked to Alzheimer’s and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases

Beyond Pesticides An Arizona State University (ASU) study shows that the popular herbicide glyphosate can infiltrate the brain through the blood (blood-brain barrier), increasing neurological disease risk. The blood-brain barrier filters various molecules entering the brain from the circulatory system. However, the permeation of glyphosate molecules elevates the expression of TNFα and the accumulation of […]
Diminished Brain Resilience Syndrome: A Modern Day Neurological Pathology of Increased Susceptibility to Mild Brain Trauma, Concussion, and Downstream Neurodegeneration

Wendy A. Morley and Stephanie Seneff The number of sports-related concussions has been steadily rising in recent years. Diminished brain resilience syndrome is a term coined by the lead author to describe a particular physiological state of nutrient functional deficiency and disrupted homeostatic mechanisms leading to increased susceptibility to previously considered innocuous concussion. We discuss […]