Biotech Giants Using GMOs to Build Food Tyranny

Colin Todhunter The article below was written the day before India’s state-run biotech regulator, the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), approved genetically modified (GM) mustard for commercial cultivation. This decision was taken on 26 October 2022. The regulatory clearance for GM mustard means the crop is fit for environmental release. However, the Supreme Court has […]
Scientists Sound Alarm as Gates, WEF Promote Gene-Editing Technology for Everything From Fake Meat to Designer Babies

Michael Nevradakis CRISPR, a recently developed gene-editing technology is promoted as a potential solution to numerous diseases, to food security and climate change — even as a way to deliver “designer babies” and bring extinct mammals back to life. The technology has attracted signi cant investments and the attention of actors such as Bill Gates […]
Researchers with Vested Interests Lobbying to Undermine GMO Safety Rules

Corporate Europe Observatory The EU’s green ambitions are in great jeopardy. The agribusiness industry is using the cost-of-living crisis as an excuse to push stronger EU environmental legislation off the table and weaken already existing legislation. For instance, they are pushing against tighter pesticides rules and in favour of relaxing GMO rules. … The biotech […]
Food Freedom – Part 2: What You’re Not Told About GMO Crops and Foods

Lucy Crisetig You’ve been told that genetically modified (GM) crops and foods are needed to feed the world’s growing population and to meet challenges facing farmers – climate change as well as pests and diseases. You’ve also been told that GM crops can make agriculture more sustainable, with higher yields, reducing pesticide use, and providing […]
Food Freedom – Part 1: The Genetic Engineering and Synthesization of Our Food System

Lucy Crisetig With Covid policies reshaping everything from farmland ownership to meat processing to restaurant eating to food costs and availability, it’s clear that critical battle lines are being redrawn. One of the most disturbing new battlefronts has to do with the most age-old of rights, the right to grow, raise, harvest, produce and consume […]
GMO Purple Tomatoes Just Moved One Step Closer to Grocery Shelves – Should You Buy Them?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) favorably reviewed genetically engineered purple tomatoes, developed by Norfolk Plant Sciences. The USDA found the genetically engineered (GE) plant is “unlikely to pose an increased plant pest risk compared to other cultivated tomatoes and is not subject to regulation …” This says nothing of GE purple tomatoes’ potential to […]
Emerging Techniques in Biotechnology Pose New Risks to the Non-GMO Supply Chain

Non-GMO Project Is it possible to create a non-GMO product using genetic engineering? While that might seem ludicrous to most of us, biotechnology companies have mounted an aggressive campaign to convince the world that the products of new genetic engineering techniques such as CRISPR are, in fact, non-GMO. Although this is completely unsupported by the […]
GMO: Myth & Facts

What They Don’t Want to Tell You About Genetically Modified Crops and Foods Claire Robinson The public is constantly told that genetically modified (GM) crops and foods are needed to feed the world’s growing population and to meet the challenges that face farmers – climate change as well as pests and diseases. It is claimed […]