Why the Great Reset Food Strategy Includes Lab-Cultured Meat

grilled meat on brown wooden table

Joseph Mercola The GMO industry — which is funded, propped up and defended by the tech and chemical industries — is now seeking to replace beef, poultry, dairy and sh with synthetic biology, cultured meat, precision fermentation, cellular-based and gene-edited foods. Cultured meat (cell-based meat) is produced from animal tissue cells that are grown in […]

‘Toxic Legacy’ – How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health

Joseph Mercola Glyphosate is a very efficient metal chelator. This, in turn, disrupts your gut microbesbecause it makes minerals unavailable to the microbes. Your gut microbes need thoseminerals, as their enzymes depend on them for proper functioning. There’s a strong correlation between the rise in celiac disease over time and the rise inglyphosate usage on […]

Exposing the Real Dangers of Weed Killers

man in white t-shirt and blue denim shorts with blue backpack walking on green grass

Touchstone Essentials The weed killer glyphosate—infamously known as Roundup—can be found everywhere: lawns, gardens, parks, soil, rivers and even in the rain (1). But household use of this herbicide is dwarfed by its use in agriculture. And herein lies the problem. Over the past several years, scientists have discovered that exposure to glyphosate-containing weed killers […]

Yikes: The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People

Tessa Lena This story is about the hubris of conquest and genetic modification. Let’s start with the ugly. The richest people of the world, as well as their loyal servants from the World Economic Forum, are on the Genetic Modi cation team. According to the World Economic Forum, “the evolution of gene testing and gene […]