Colds & Flu – A Homeopathic Perspective

Nancy Gahles … when a person becomes ill, there is often a precipitating cause. Perhaps it is a seasonal change, a traumatic occurrence in their life, environmental factors or dietary indiscretions. Each person has their own sensitivities and will be susceptible to factors that another person would not be. It can happen that everyone in […]

RSV: 3 Routes to Stay Out of the Hospital

baby sleeping on black surface This post contains: At home treatments for RSV in a 2 month old How to use saline in a nebulizer to help clear airway infections Going the homeopathic route for chest infections … When should you take your child to the hospital for urgent medical care? “Pay attention to your child’s breathing,” stresses Dr. […]

Own a Homeopathic First Aid Kit

Joette Calabrese “Sticks and stones may break my bones,” is a favorite children’s taunt. How often we have heard this yet prayed it would never happen! Nevertheless, should an injury occur, there’s nothing more comforting than the homeopathic first aid kit. First aid is the arena in which most people are introduced to homeopathy. Every […]

Tautopathy for Safely Clearing and Detoxing Vaccines, Drugs and Chemicals

Homeopathy for Women Blockages to health can occur after the exposure to vaccinations, antibiotics, birthing drugs, chemicals, environmental toxins, medications, birth control pills, etc. … Tautopathy is not exactly the same as homeopathy. It is not based on the homeopathic Law of Similars. Instead is it an exact detoxification – we would look at it as “same cures same” instead of “like […]

Homeopathic Treatment for COVID-19-Related Symptoms: A Case Series

Ramzi Kurd et al. The present paper presents 5 cases of patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 infections, 2 of them hospitalized in the intensive care unit, who were successfully treated with homeopathy. All 5 patients responded to homeopathic treatment in an unexpectedly short time span, improving both physically and mentally. The present case series […]

Homeopathic Remedies in COVID-19: Prognostic Factor Research

Raj Kumar Manchanda et al. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new disease; its clinical profile and natural history are evolving. Each well-recorded case in homeopathic practice is important for deciding the future course of action. This study aims at identifying clinically useful homeopathic remedies and their prescribing symptoms using the prognostic factor research model. […]

Why People Are Sick and What Can Be Done About It

person in blue denim jeans sitting on white flower field during daytime

Jagannath Chatterjee We observe a world full of suffering populations. Disease has engulfed society. Chronic diseases have reached a peak. People suffer from not just one but multiple illnesses. Even small children are not spared. The joy of life, once the birth right of beings, has been replaced by the pain of having to carry […]

Austrian AMR Action Plan Confirms the Potential of Homeopathy

European Coalition on Homeopathic & Anthroposophic Medicinal Products The latest version of the Austrian government’s national Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP-AMR) confirms the potential of homeopathy and other complementary medicines in tackling antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial resistance has been identified as one of the greatest health threats worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Food […]