Wise Choices, Healthy Bodies: Diet for the Prevention of Women’s Diseases

Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig In order to produce estrogen and progesterone as required for the reproductive cycle, the body needs adequate amounts of cholesterol, because all the sex hormones are made from this vital substance. For this reason alone vegetarian diets for women are unwise as vegetarian diets will lower cholesterol. … The […]
Earthing and Menopause

The Earthing Institute Women are meant to be intimately tied to the Earth and there is no time in a woman’s life where this becomes more obvious than during the hormonal upheaval of menopause. The Earth is a woman’s comfort, healing, and salvation as the winds of menopause blast through. Without grounding, women can feel […]
From Seafood to Sunshine: A New Understanding of Vitamin D Safety

Christopher Masterjohn Vitamin D may be one of the most fundamentally important building blocks available to us for creating and sustaining vibrant health. In addition to its classically understood role in bone formation and calcium absorption, research has uncovered myriad roles for vitamin D, ranging from increasing muscular coordination to preventing cancer, heart disease, autoimmune […]
Hormone-Hijacking Chemicals in Your Dental Floss?

Douglas Fischer That nice waxy glide as you floss your teeth? Turns out it could be courtesy of PFAS, the “forever chemicals” that hijacks hormones and is linked to reproductive problems, birth defects, testicular cancer and a host of other diseases. Mamavation, the wellness site, and EHN.org tested 39 different brands of floss for PFAS […]