The Spike Protein eBook All previous outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics end when Community Immunity, NOT the discredited “Herd Immunity”, renders the majority of us immunologically able to handle contact with the pathogen instead of succumbing to it. The destructive and illogical measures brought in to support the Declared Pandemic, now into the second year, the counterproductive masking, social […]
Is RSV Another Virus from a Lab?

NE – naked Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is surging around the world right now. Could this be due to “immunity debt” after lockdowns or because Covid and/or mass vaccination has messed around with our immune systems? The majority of young children have not been vaccinated against Covid, so the direct effect of vaccination can […]
Killing the Germ Theory

Amandha Dawn Vollmer Since microorganisms are pleomorphic (they change shape) based on the pH and toxicity of the terrain, how can they be categorized and said to cause a specific disease? And then how can you make a “shot” for them? How can something even have “immunity” to them when they are your own cells […]
Pre-exposure to mRNA-LNP Inhibits Adaptive Immune Responses and Alters Innate Immune Fitness in an Inheritable Fashion

Zhen Qin et al. Hundreds of millions of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine doses have already been administered to humans. However, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the immune effects of this platform. The mRNA-LNP-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is highly inflammatory, and its synthetic ionizable lipid component responsible for the induction of inflammation has a long in vivo […]
Disease Madness – What is Happening? Part 3

Dawn Lester In parts 1 and 2 of this series, I discussed the complete lack of evidence for the existence of ‘pathogenic agents’ of any description and the efforts of the medical establishment to promote vaccines as the only way to prevent what are erroneously referred to as ‘infectious diseases’. In this 3rd and final […]
Why Infectious Diseases Are a Huge Problem (Again)

Vernon Coleman A few decades ago, the development of antibiotics led many people to believe that the threat offered by infectious diseases had, to a large extent, been conquered. But a combination of greed and stupidity has changed all that. The effectiveness of antibiotics has been dramatically weakened by three main groups: the companies making […]
Vaccines and Genetic Mutation
Harold E. Buttram, Susan Kreider and Alan R. Yurko The writers of this article make no claims of being authorities in the fields of genetics or immunology, but being non-experts may at times carry an advantage in that, viewing more from a distance, one may sometimes perceive things that escape those more closely involved in […]
GMOs and VACCINES Are Destroying Your Good Gut Bacteria and Crippling Your Immunity
S.D. Wells Who’s taking a “shot to the gut” today? Nothing like being kicked in the stomach, but in this case, we’re looking into how genetically modified organisms and foreign proteins literally destroy the environment in your gut, in essence wiping out all your flora – the good bacteria you need to fight off diseases […]