Why Listen to an Anesthesiologist in the Middle of a Pandemic?

People With Face Masks and Latex Gloves Holding a Globe

Madhava Setty Primum non nocere, “first and foremost, I will do no harm” is a massive commitment, and, as it turns out, nuanced. How does a doctor know that they are not causing harm? They don’t. What doctors are really promising is that “given what I know, I will act and advise my patients in […]

The Elements of Medical Malpractice: An Overview

black stethoscope with brown leather case

Gregg J. Gittler and Ellie J. C. Goldstein Most physicians will be involved in a medical malpractice case sometime in their career in one of several capacities, such as a defendant, a treating physician, or an expert witness. Proving that malpractice has been committed is based on substantiation of a variety of elements and issues. […]

The Lethal Dangers of the Billion-dollar Vaccine Business with Government Approval … Safer Stuff is Available. Here’s Why You Haven’t Been Getting It

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Andrea Rock When federal health officials and pediatricians refrain from warning the public about risks out of fear that parents will stop immunizing their children, they insult parents’ intelligence and endanger the public’s health. Parents deserve the facts so they can make informed choices. Geneticist and former NIH researcher Mark Geier says that when he […]