Switzerland No Longer Recommends Covid Jabs, Declares that All Liability Rests w/Doctors

Die Fackel 2.0 In a surprising move earlier this week, the Swiss Federal Health Agency (Bundesgesundheitsamt, BAG) declared (my translation, emphases):
Canadian Medical Malpractice Law in 2011: Missing the Mark on Patient Safety

Colleen M. Flood and Bryan Thomas Canadian tort law, as it applies to medical malpractice, appears relatively settled from a systems perspective; there is no “burning platform” driving major tort reform in this area of the law. There are at least six fac- tors which have contained the volume and cost of malpractice litigation in […]
The Elements of Medical Malpractice: An Overview

Gregg J. Gittler and Ellie J. C. Goldstein Most physicians will be involved in a medical malpractice case sometime in their career in one of several capacities, such as a defendant, a treating physician, or an expert witness. Proving that malpractice has been committed is based on substantiation of a variety of elements and issues. […]
Vaccines: Gateway Drug by Design

Kristina Kristen … We live in a world where pharma-backed, government sanctioned, medical mandates in the form of liability-free vaccines with known serious potential adverse effects are forced repeatedly in greater numbers (70 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18) onto our most vulnerable and voiceless populations—with a disastrous outcome of life-altering iatrogenic illnesses, artificially […]
ACIP Committee Approves mRNA Vaccines for the Childhood Schedule 15-0

Steve Kirsch We all predicted this would happen … This means several things: The “emergency” can now end. They needed the emergency to be able to create EUA approval which gave them liability protection as long as the emergency existed. The emergency is no longer needed. The vaccine makers can now manufacture fully “approved” vaccines […]
cGMP Fraud by Covid-19 Injection Manufacturers Must Be Stopped and Investigated. Summary of Evidence

Sasha Latypova Vaccine and therapeutic manufacturers have benefited greatly during this pandemic operating under near complete immunity from any liability under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act. Pfizer and Moderna generated historic revenues in just a couple years as the federal government mandated use of their novel mRNA-based vaccine products. Yet how can we be […]