When and How Can Vaccine Particles Hurt You? – A Visualisation Exercise

Marc Girador In this article, I attempt to give a wholistic view on the processes by which adverse effects happen in the hope that it will help as many people as possible address jointly with their physicians their vaccine-induced illness. … Many of my friends tell me: “Marc, there has to be more to it than your […]

Cholesterol Does Not Cause Coronary Heart Disease in Contrast to Stress

two fried eggs on brown chopping board near spices

Paul J. Rosch The belief that coronary atherosclerosis is due to high cholesterol from increased saturated fat intake originated from experiments in herbivorous animals. It was reinforced by reports allegedly demonstrating this sequence of events in various populations but ignoring contradictory data. The idea has been perpetuated by powerful forces using similar tactics to preserve […]

The Role of Dietary Fat in Child Nutrition and Development: Summary of an ASNA Workshop

child eating desert

John A. Milner, Richard G. Allison The role of dietary fat in the growth, development and long-term health of children was explored from metabolic, genetic, dietary and behavioral perspectives at a workshop held September 17–18, 1997, at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD. The workshop focused on metabolic, genetic, behavioral and […]