Covid-19: A Deadly Pandemic?

Strong and Free Canada In March of 2020, we were told that a deadly virus, Covid-19, could kill up to 40 million people worldwide. We locked down, we wore masks, we self-isolated, we stopped travelling, we got vaccinated, we locked down again, we got vaccinated again, and we got booster shots. These actions cost millions […]

Social Scientists Can’t Predict Better Than Laymen, Study Finds

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Noah Carl The pandemic has shone a spotlight on public health ‘experts’. Many initially opposed lockdown, before abruptly changing their view when doing so became politically convenient. They said that masks don’t work, only to turn around and back mandates. And after assuring us the vaccines would stop transmission, they were met with overwhelming data to […]

The WHO’s Reckless Disregard for Truth

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David Bell Public health relies on trust. Advertising relies on twisting the truth, even deceiving people, to persuade them to buy a product they may not need. Trust is maintained by telling the truth, giving others accurate information and sound advice. If inclined, you can change direction, trading on trust that you have built in […]

What Has Changed Regarding Asymptomatic Spread?

Clare Craig The concept of asymptomatic transmission formed the foundation for the belief that lockdown was necessary and might work and for mask wearing and amplified the atmosphere of fear with the idea that anyone could be a threat. … At the time it was possible to conclude that the global evidence of transmission from […]

Psychiatry Will Not Save Us from Lockdown Harm

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Robert Freudenthal The mental health consequences of our pandemic response are predictable, with many warning  right from the start of the likely psychiatric consequences of the withdrawing of most structures of civic society for a period of months on end.  Too often the priorities are framed as a balancing act between “physical health consequences from […]

COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine – Part II

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K. E. Thorp, James A. Thorp, Elise M. Thorp In the second part of our trilogy, we begin by examining social policies sponsored by the science community and enacted by policy-makers to curtail the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic. Containment /mitigation strategies such as lockdowns came at great social and economic costs and yet failed […]

Lockdown Harms Impossible to Cover Up

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Michael Senger According to a recent study by the World Bank, published in the journal Nature, lockdowns and the response to Covid-19 have pushed an additional 75 million people into extreme poverty, living on less than US $1.90 a day. … Currently, the mainstream left and right are starting to realize lockdowns were a big […]