Covid Vaccines and Fertility

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Swiss Policy Research … data from both Germany and Switzerland does show a substantial 10% to 15% monthly decrease in live births from January 2022 to at least April 2022. This decrease could be due to lockdown effects or biological effects, including covid infections or covid vaccinations that began nine months earlier. Health authorities and […]

EU Report Highlights Canada’s ‘Invasive’ COVID Policies That ‘Severely’ Affected the Nation’s Economy

Anthony Murdoch A comprehensive healthcare law study submitted to the European Parliament in May called out Canada’s COVID health measures as severely damaging the local economy. “Many stringent and invasive public health measures for the Covid pandemic – curfews, capacity restrictions in restaurants, the closure of bars and nightclubs for months, locking of office buildings, […]

The Loss of Trust Is Well Earned

Jeffrey A. Tucker Society is broken at many levels, and the economy too. We face a mental health crisis among young people following two years of unprecedented educational and social disruption. The highest inflation in most people’s lifetimes has people nearly panicked about the future, and that combines with strange and unpredictable shortages.  And we […]

A Literature Review and Meta-analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality II

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Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung, Steve H. Hanke The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to determine the effect of lockdowns on COVID-19 mortality based on available empirical evidence. Lockdowns are defined as the imposition of at least one compulsory, non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI). We employ a systematic search and screening procedure in which 19,646 […]

Updated John Hopkins Study on Lockdowns Debunks the Fact Checkers

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Thorsteinn Siglaugsson Last January, the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health and the Study of Business Enterprise published a working paper which showed clearly how lockdowns across the world did not affect Covid-19 mortality at all. The paper, is written by economists Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung and Steve H. Hanke, now appearing in […]

Lockdowns, Closures, and the Loss of Moral Clarity

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Jeffrey A. Tucker … Recent surveys of people in forced covid isolation have found that some 30% develop strong symptoms of PTSD over the course of weeks. In this case, an already imbalanced kid found personal meaning through his own perceived “race” identity. He invented a sense of belongingness through an imagined artificial solidarity with […]

Authoritarian Pandemic Policies: A Reckoning

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John H.S. Aberg With the Corona crisis another chapter was written in the biopolitical book of life. During the last two years, we have observed an unprecedented level of irrationality and political ill will in dealing with the pandemic. Vaccine mandates, vaccine apartheid, lockdowns, masking of schoolchildren, and ensuing restrictions on our freedom of assembly […]

The Unintended Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccine Policy: Why Mandates, Passports and Restrictions May Cause More Harm Than Good

Kevin Bardosh et al. Vaccination policies have shifted dramatically during COVID-19 with the rapid emergence of population-wide vaccine mandates, domestic vaccine passports and differential restrictions based on vaccination status. While these policies have prompted ethical, scientific, practical, legal and political debate, there has been limited evaluation of their potential unintended consequences. Here, we outline a […]