How Evidence Based Medicine Became an Illusion

Richard Sears In a new opinion piece published in the British Medical Journal, researchers Jon Jureidini and Leemon McHenry argue that “evidence based medicine” is more corporate gimmick than reliable science. According to the authors, corporate greed, failed regulatory practices, and commercialized academia have made research far less objective and reliable. These developments call the validity […]

If You’re the Right Race, Your Doctor Will See You Now

brown game pieces on white surface

Critical race theory in medicine can kill you. Daniel Greenfield 50 years after the end of the Tuskegee Experiments, the Biden administration brought back racism into medicine with a rule providing financial incentives to doctors embedding the horrifying racist ideas of Ibram X. Kendi into their practices. The form of racism misleadingly described as “anti-racism” […]

This Is Probably the Worst Thing I have Seen So Far

Jessica Rose … one Torontonian Dr. Sun claims to have put HIS neck on the line by illegally and unethically injecting 500 infants (children <5) with COVID-19 products that are now proven entirely obsolete against Omicron, in order to protect them from Omicron. Sounds informed and up-to-date, doesn’t he? … For litigators: If Sun is exempt from […]

Mandatory Vaccinations, the Segregation of Citizens and Promotion of Inequality in the Modern Democracy of Greece and Other Democratic Countries. Is It Ethical for the Scientific Community to “Enforce” or Silently Back-up Such Policies?

Charalampos Mavridis, Georgios Aidonidis, Athanasios Kalogeridis During the COVID-19 pandemic, Greek authorities enforced a vaccination mandate for healthcare workers (HCWs), and “social occlusion” of the unvaccinated citizens in general. At the same time, multiple concerns have been raised about the epidemiological profile of Greece, the condition of public health, the ethical status of segregation policies […]

COVID-19/SARS-CoV2: An Exploration

3 women and 2 girls standing on green grass field during daytime

The White Rose WE ARE AT A CRITICAL TIME IN HUMANITY’S JOURNEY … how we act now will build the future for our children. Whatever our beliefs, views, expertise and perspectives are, we must all participate in this unfolding situation with the best clarity and open heartedness that we can bring. This journey of research […]

How COVID Became the Most Manipulated Disease Event in History

Russell L. Blaylock The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream led by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media and international agencies … These blackouts of truth occur even when this information is backed by extensive scientific citations from […]

End the Covid Fraud and Global Genocide

The White Rose Many people, including children, are experiencing serious adverse reactions or have died after receiving the covid jab. Many more will die in the coming months and years. The covid fraud is causing a global genocide. This needs to end!