Light Hungry Mitochondria Dr Fritz Albert Popp, a German biophysicist, has shown in a number of experiments that the cells in our bodies are always emitting low-level light radiation which he called “biophoton emission.” Popp’s experiments suggest that this light emission is the way in which cells communicate. “Light can initiate or arrest cascade-like reactions in the […]

How Spike Protein Causes Mitochondria Damage

Conway Judge An important discussion by DrBeen and some new studies have just come to light showing how spike protein is able to damage mitochondrial DNA and thus disrupt cell processes and health, which will ultimately have systemic effects on overall health and wellbeing. … if mitochondria are damaged within a cell and that cell […]

Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Health and Disease Processes

Mark P. Mattson, Valter D. Longo, Michelle Harvie Humans in modern societies typically consume food at least three times daily, while laboratory animals are fed ad libitum. Overconsumption of food with such eating patterns often leads to metabolic morbidities (insulin resistance, excessive accumulation of visceral fat, etc.), particularly when associated with a sedentary lifestyle … […]

Electromagnetic Effects on Mitochondria Anytime you have the movement of charged particles you create an electromagnetic field. People don’t realize that electromagnetism is the foundation of life, it’s what controls biochemistry. Imagine going into a room where you hear every kind of music being played really loudly, you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself or communicate with other […]