Know Your Child’s Seizure Risk from the MMR Vaccine

Physicians for Informed Consent Every year, about 5,700 U.S. children suffer seizures from the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This finding is derived from results of the most statistically powered safety study ever to measure the association between MMR vaccination and febrile seizures. Published in JAMA in 2004, the study evaluated more than half a million children, both […]
Why We Need to Reexamine the Risk/Benefit Tradeoffs of Vaccines
Stephanie Seneff The recent media blitz on the measles outbreak in Disneyland has caused even greater polarization than that which previously existed between pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine camps. … It is very difficult to weigh the pros and cons of any given vaccine properly, or even on the vaccination concept in general. The public forum promoted […]
The Complete History of Depopulation Vaccines

A Midwestern Doctor In part 1 ( understanding-covid-19/) of this ÂÂarticle, I attempted to make the case that there has been a longstanding interest within the ruling class of our society to reduce the population by targeting individuals deemed undesirable. In the past, these programs typically targeted the poor, people of color, colonial subjects and those […]
Incorporating a Coronavirus Antigen into MMR Vaccine to Produce COVID-19 Immunity in Kids
Emily Henderson New research has advanced COVID-19 vaccine work in several ways: using a modified live attenuated mumps virus for delivery, showing that a more stable coronavirus spike protein stimulates a stronger immune response, and suggesting a dose up the nose has an advantage over a shot. Based on these combined findings in rodent experiments, […]
MMR Vaccination and Autism

Andrew J. Wakefield Hypothesis testing and presentation of the outcome—either positive or negative—is a fundamental part of the scientific process. Accordingly we have published studies that both do, and do not support a role for measles virus in chronic intestinal inflammation: this is called integrity. The latest of these studies was strongly positive, and was accepted by the […]