The Germ Theory: A Deadly Fallacy

Dawn Lester The vast majority of people around the world believe that the healthcare system promoted by the agencies responsible for public health, especially the WHO, is firmly based on ‘sound science’. This system, known as ‘modern medicine’, is perceived to represent an ‘elite’ branch of science, which suggests that any other approach to healthcare […]

How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma and Waged War on Natural Cures

medication capsule lot t’s high time that people realized that western medicine or allopathy (mainstream medicine), which focuses on drugs, drugs, radiation, drugs, surgery, drugs, and more drugs, is a money- spinning Rockefeller creation. When someone talks about the healing properties of plants or any other holistic practices, some people may look like a weirdo after hearing […]

Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud

F. William Engdahl One of the outcomes of the alleged new SARS Covid virus that publicly emerged in 2019 is that the medical specialization of virology has been raised to a stature almost Godlike in the media. Few understand the origins of virology and its elevation into a leading role in today’s medicine practice. For […]

Pleomorphism and Germ Theory Explained

blue and white floral textile

Elizabeth Clemons The accepted biological paradigm today, which has led to the development of the pleomorphism and germ theory, is Monomorphism (Gr. mónos: single + morphÄ“: form). This paradigm, developed by Louis Pasteur and other scientists, states that all microorganisms only have one possible form and do not have the ability to evolve into different […]