Short-Term Benefits and Long-Term Damage Ingesting Probiotics, Antiobiotics and Enzymes

person holding red bottle

Robert O. Young Taking probiotics and enzymes can have perceived health benefits with many long-term harmful effects! Probiotics and enzymes are acidifying to the body and therefore should not be ingested for long periods of time. Probiotics are biological transformations of what use to be healthy organized matter into bacteria, yeast and/or mold. All bacteria […]

Household Cleaners Are Hazardous to Your Health – Here Are 8 Alternatives

Joseph Mercola Long-term exposure to household cleaners and disinfectants has been linked to increases in asthmatic symptoms, nervous system damage, low sperm count, irregularities in menstruation and miscarriage. … The most acutely dangerous cleaning products are corrosive drain cleaners, acidic toilet bowl cleaners and oven cleaners. … With household cleaner use being as dangerous for […]