How Do We Recognize Emotion From Movement? Specific Motor Components Contribute to the Recognition of Each Emotion

Ayelet Melzer et al. Are there movement features that are recognized as expressing each basic emotion by most people, and what are they? In our previous study we identified sets of Laban movement components that, when moved, elicited the basic emotions of anger, sadness, fear, and happiness. Our current study aimed to investigate if movements […]
Movement as Nutrition

Katy Bowman Katy invites us to return to movement. She explores how we came to be such sedentary people, mostly indoors for the better part of the day. This is true for adults and children alike. We all have movement deficiencies. Katy explains how this is essentially a nutritional deficit of sorts.
Osteopathic Principles: The Inspiration of Every Science Is Its Change

Bruno Bordoni and Allan R. Escher Jr. The osteopathic manual approach and osteopathic medicine (OM) were conceived and built from the studies and experience in the nineteenth-century of Andrew Taylor Still, DO. According to Dr. Still, “Osteopathy, or osteopathic medicine, is a philosophy, a science, and an art”. The foundations of OM emphasize the fact […]