How the Government of Canada is Manipulating Their Own Data to Claim that “Vaccines Significantly Reduce COVID-19 Cases”, When the Data Shows the Opposite

Open Canada Tracker Newsletter – The ‘Cases following vaccination’ data published by PHAC proves two facts: #1: Post-marketing data does not support claims about vaccine efficacy. Data published by PHAC reveal that people with 4 doses had more Covid cases (including deaths) than unvaccinated, not less, as shown in PHAC reports. #2: Data also proves that Government of Canada has […]
mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are Here Now.

Robert W. Malone Before we can discus mRNA vaccines for livestock, pets and wildlife, we must first address the elephant in the room. That is, how come the public is able to access human clinical trial information, but is not able to do the same for clinical trials involving animal health? … Therefore, one must […]
Dangerous mRNA Vaccine Contaminants Were Just Discovered

A Midwestern Doctor One of the major challenges with mass-producing the mRNA vaccines was the number of complex steps (prone to error) that had to be done correctly to create the finalized product. A few of these were: •Producing the correct DNA plasmids (those that would result in spike protein mRNA being made). •Giving the […]
Do COVID-19 RNA-Injections Affect Male Fertility? Latest Facts and Perspective

Werner Bergholz and Klaus Steger Based on available data on male fertility adverse effects after COVID-19 injections, we draw the reader ́s attention to open questions and undeniable risks of the new RNA-based vaccine technology. Review and reanalysis of published data on pre- and post-injection semen analyses. Evaluation of UK Yellow Card and US VAERS […]
Potential Health Risks of mRNA-based Vaccine Therapy: A Hypothesis

K. Acevedo-Whitehouse and R. Bruno Therapeutic applications of synthetic mRNA were proposed more than 30 years ago, and are currently the basis of one of the vaccine platforms used at a massive scale as part of the public health strategy to get COVID-19 under control. To date, there are no published studies on the biodistribution, […]
The Shadowy Line Between the DoD and Pharmaceutical Companies

NE – Would people have so willingly run to the Covid-19 vaccination centres if they had known they were taking part in a US Department of Defense (DoD) experiment? Would they have endured lockdowns if they realised that they were only brought in to make people su er and therefore beg for a vaccine? […]
The Future of Livestock Vaccines: A Part of the LRIC White Paper Series

Mike McMorris and Chloe Neudorf The livestock sector in Ontario is a key driver of Ontario’s economy, generating about $4 billion invalue annually (Statistical Summary of Ontario Agriculture, 2016). The health of the herd and flockplays a huge role in the profitability of production but also in the environmental footprint and in foodsafety. Good health […]
COVID Vaccines Are Gene Therapy – But Big Pharma and Big Media Don’t Want You to Know That

Joseph Mercola The notion that the COVID-19 shots are a form of gene therapy is so risky for Big Pharma’s bottom line, they’re going to great lengths to make sure people don’t think of them that way. The Associated Press (AP) published a “fact check” in which they argued that COVID-19 shots are not gene […]