The Deadly Impossibility of Herd Immunity Through Vaccination

Russell L. Blaylock … When public-health officers are asked for the legal justification for such draconian measures as forcing people to accept vaccines that they deem either a clear and present danger to themselves and their loved ones or have had personal experience with serious adverse reactions to such vaccines, they usually resort to the […]
COVID-19: Why Are We Ignoring Infection-Acquired Immunity?

Sheena Meredith Antibodies derived from natural infection with COVID-19 are more abundant and more potent – at least 10 times more potent – than immunity generated by vaccination alone, according to a study from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland, US, published on January 25. Three days later, the US Centres for Disease […]
An Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians Regarding COVID Vaccination

Robert M. Rennebohm “Two contradictory views on COVID vaccination have been expressed—a prevailing narrative (get vaccinated, immediately! Vaccination is our way out of the pandemic) and an alternative narrative (stop the COVID vaccination campaign, immediately! COVID vaccination is dangerous and making the pandemic worse). These conflicting narratives have created confusion and anxiety for parents and […]