Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation on the Nervous System

EWG Wireless devices like cell phones, tablets and Wi-Fi routers and many other types of communications equipment give off radiofrequency radiation, a type of electromagnetic wave. Radiofrequency radiation is absorbed by the body – more in parts with higher salt and water content. Children have a thinner bone structure, thinner skin and higher tissue conductivity. […]
Fetal Flouride Intake Levels Exceed Safety Thresholds
pregnancyandfluoridedonotmix.com Most fluoride intake is from fluoridated tap water, which pregnant women are told to drink throughout the day. When a pregnant woman consumes fluoride, so does her baby. This means for babies in the months before birth, their daily AI of fluoride (0.049 mg/kg/day) is 35 times higher than it is for babies in the months after […]
Fluoride Combined with Even Trace Amounts of Aluminium in Water Can Cause Major Brain Damage

Ethan A. Huff Renowned medical doctor and neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock holds nothing back when it comes to telling it like it is, even when “it” goes against the prevailing schools of thought within his profession. And one of his latest Blaylock Wellness Reports is no exception, shining light on the very real dangers associated with fluoride […]