Nutrition: The Anti-Aging Factor

silhouette of plants during sunset

Sylvia Onusic Aging has been predetermined in our genes, experts say, and cells can only divide forty to sixty times before they reach the “HayTick Limit,” a theory advanced in 1961 by Leonard HayTick at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Structures at the end of chromosomes called telomeres protect cells from deterioration or fusion […]

Movement as Nutrition

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Katy Bowman Katy invites us to return to movement. She explores how we came to be such sedentary people, mostly indoors for the better part of the day. This is true for adults and children alike. We all have movement deficiencies. Katy explains how this is essentially a nutritional deficit of sorts.

Saturated Fat Phobia Lacks Scientific Basis

Close-up of a Person Reaching For an Egg While Making a Cake Mix

Kimberly Hartke In March, the journal Annals of Internal Medicine published a meta-analysis of seventy-six scientific studies on the effect of various fats on heart disease, Association of Dietary, Circulating and Supplement Fatty Acids with Coronary Risk … The conclusion researchers drew after reviewing these studies was “Current evidence does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines […]

Principles of Healthy Diets

The Weston A. Price Foundation When Dr. price analyzed the foods used by isolated peoples he found that, in comparison to the American diet of his day, they provided at least four times the water- soluble vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and at least TEN times the fat-soluble vitamins, from animal foods such as butter, […]

A Seasonal Shift for Body, Mind and Spirit

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Tiffany C. Brawn The human body is heavily influenced by seasonal, regional, and cosmic rhythms of nature, affecting the expression of body, mind, and Spirit. The turning of the seasons, especially during cycles of chaotic weather patterns and social upheaval, can be challenging to navigate. Developing lifestyle practices that help to manage chronic stress, understanding […]

Vegetarianism and Nutrient Deficiencies

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Christopher Masterjohn Not all vegetarians develop overt health problems in such a short length of time from abandoning animal foods and some—especially those who eat eggs, milk, or occasional fish and shell sh—may maintain good health for decades. A strictly vegetarian diet, however, clearly lacks nutritional qualities that an omnivorous diet possesses. If the people […]

Nutrition and Health. The Issue is Not Food, Nor Nutrients, So Much As Processing

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Carlos A. Monteiro Orthodox teaching and practice on nutrition and health almost always focuses on nutrients, or else on foods and drinks. Thus, diets that are high in folate and in green leafy vegetables are recommended, whereas diets high in saturated fat and in full-fat milk and other dairy products are not recommended. Food guides […]