Secrets of the Pandemic

grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign

Swiss Policy Research Little-known aspects of the coronavirus pandemic. Contents 1) Pandemic Response: Failure or Success?; 2) The SARS&MERS “Death Rate”; 3) China & Zero Covid; 4) Coronavirus Origins; 5) Why Face Masks Have Failed; 6) Covid Vaccine Trials; 7) Covid Treatment: Antivirals & More; 8) Asymptomatic Transmission; 9) Long Covid; 10) Children

Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe

people walking on street during daytime

Beny Spira Masking was the single most common non-pharmaceutical intervention in the course of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Most countries have implemented recommendations or mandates regarding the use of masks in public spaces. The aim of this short study was to analyse the correlation between mask usage against morbidity and mortality rates in […]

The Generation of Children Raised by Fear

woman in black cardigan wearing white mask

Molly Kingsley, Liz Cole … Fuelled by that fear, we locked our young in their rooms for days on end, padlocked their playgrounds and stopped them from seeing their grandparents and friends … Fuelled by fear we breached our species’ most basic social compact: to protect our young, abandoning at so many touch points our […]

Men’s Mental Health and Suicide in Canada – Key Takeaways

Man in Black Long Sleeve Shirt Lying on Gray Couch

Mental Health Commission of Canada Of the estimated 4,000 suicide deaths in Canada each year, close to 75 per cent are men. This resource summarizes the key takeaways from the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Men: Evidence Brief. Based on findings from the Evidence Brief, this resource highlights statistics on men’s mental health and suicidal […]

Psychiatry Will Not Save Us from Lockdown Harm

woman sitting on black chair in front of glass-panel window with white curtains

Robert Freudenthal The mental health consequences of our pandemic response are predictable, with many warning  right from the start of the likely psychiatric consequences of the withdrawing of most structures of civic society for a period of months on end.  Too often the priorities are framed as a balancing act between “physical health consequences from […]

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic’s Impact on Mental Health

woman in purple dress sitting on couch

Bilal Laved, Abdullah Sarwer, Erik B. Soto, Zia-ur-Rehman Mashwani The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic’s Impact on Mental Health A pandemic is not just a medical phenomenon; it affects individuals and society and causes disruption, anxiety, stress, stigma, and xenophobia. … Throughout the world, the public is being informed about the physical effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection and […]

There Is No Pandemic

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Iain DavisResearch by an independent statistician, who goes by the pseudonym of John Dee, appears to confirm what many have suspected since the beginning of the Covid-19 pseudopandemic; that the government narrative about the disease is a confidence trick. John Dee looked at more than 160,000 admissions via the Emergency Department of a busy hospital. His analysis […]