COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine – Part III

the new york times newspaper

K. E. Thorp, James A. Thorp, Elise M. Thorp In this third part we examine the path not taken: a handful of cheap, widely available, home-based therapies—ozone preconditioning, hydroxychloroquine, and light/vitamin treatment—which, had they been implemented early in the pandemic could have reduced morbidity and mortality by 80% or more. We estimate these interventions could […]

COVID-19 and the Unraveling of Experimental Medicine – Part I

the new york times newspaper

K. E. Thorp. James A. Thorp, Elise M. Thorp Two years into the pandemic, with the number of deaths over five million globally and vaccine-resistant variants continuing to multiply, scientists are in the midst of the most dangerous and ill-conceived experiment in the history of medicine. Pinning their hopes on the success of new mRNA-based […]

Masks Are Not Benign

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Pairodocs Masks are an example of the weaponization of the precautionary principle. “If it saves just one life, it is worth it”. “You can’t be too careful”. Neither of these is true. A correct application of the precautionary principle means considering not only the benefits, but also the negative impacts of an intervention.  … Oxygen […]

Coronavirus Propaganda: Reflections on an Episode of Mass Self-Haunting

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Colin Alexander Self-haunting concerns the dialogue that an individual has with themselves about what they should be fearful of and could, at a theoretical level, be considered a subdivision of the 20th century French philosopher Louis Althusser’s influential concept of ‘interpellation’: the process by which we internalise the values associated with a culture or ideology. […]

Lockdown Harms Impossible to Cover Up

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Michael Senger According to a recent study by the World Bank, published in the journal Nature, lockdowns and the response to Covid-19 have pushed an additional 75 million people into extreme poverty, living on less than US $1.90 a day. … Currently, the mainstream left and right are starting to realize lockdowns were a big […]

How ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Formed Society’s Acceptance of COVID Restrictions

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David Marks Historians analyzing the COVID-19 pandemic will one day consider what was going on in the minds of those who supported a narrative that only served profits and power. Looking back, they will greatly appreciate the analysis of contemporary experts, particularly Mattias Desmet, a professor in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at […]

What Happened to the Lab-leak Hypothesis?

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Matt Ridley, Alina Chan Eschewing speculation and sticking to what we could prove, we delved deep into the evidence and wove together the threads that linked bat viruses from southern China or Southeast Asia with an outbreak in Wuhan in late 2019. We concluded that it was impossible to be sure yet, but two theories […]

The “Lab-Leak Theory” Returns … As Yet Another Fake Binary

person inside laboratory

Kit Knightly … The “Lab-leak theory” – which pushes the idea Sars-Cov-2 was bio-engineered in a lab as a “gain-of-function” program, and then either accidentally or deliberately released on an unsuspecting population – first came to the front pages as early as January 2020. At the time it was deemed a “racist” “anti-china” conspiracy theory” […]