Amnesty, Yes-And Here is the Price

brown wooden blocks on white surface

Charles Eisenstein A recent article in The Atlantic, “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty,” has been making waves in the Covid dissident community. The article, written by Brown University economics professor Emily Oster, proposes that we forgive and forget the crimes against the public perpetrated during the Covid years. Her main argument seems to be that […]

Debunking 5 Popular (and False) Notions About the 1918 Spanish Flu

man in white thobe and white hijab

John Varoli Did the Spanish Flu really kill 50 to 100 million people? Did the pandemic last 2 years? Was the influenza virus really the killer? Did government censorship prevent the public from hearing about a deadly disease spreading in 1918? Did everyone wear masks and were they effective? Was Philadelphia’s Liberty Loans Parade a […]

Does Vitamin D Supplementation Reduce COVID-19 Severity?: A Systematic Review

Different Medicines Placed on White Surface

K. Shah et al. The evidence regarding the efficacy of vitamin D supplementation in reducing severity of COVID-19 is still insufficient. This is partially due to the lack of primary robust trial-based data and heterogeneous study designs … This evidence summary, aims to study the effect of vitamin D supplementation on morbidity and mortality in […]

Disease Madness – What is Happening? Part 3

Person In Yellow Protective Suit

Dawn Lester In parts 1 and 2 of this series, I discussed the complete lack of evidence for the existence of ‘pathogenic agents’ of any description and the efforts of the medical establishment to promote vaccines as the only way to prevent what are erroneously referred to as ‘infectious diseases’. In this 3rd and final […]

Strongest Bastion of COVID-19 Agenda in Canada Giving Cracks at Foundation

Andreas Oehler If even Quebec sees this pushback to the Covid-19 agenda, something is really changing in a fundamental way, I hope: “An open letter to the College of Physicians of Quebec and the General Directorate of Public Health of Quebec” (2022.10.19). As it is in French only (how else!), I have quickly translated this […]

Disease Madness – What is Happening? Part 1

Person In Yellow Protective Suit

Dawn Lester If we are to believe the mainstream media, which is not advisable for a whole host of reasons, not least of which is that they have been demonstrably proven to report lies, then millions and possibly billions of people are currently in the grip of many ‘outbreaks’, some ‘epidemics’ and one ‘pandemic’, all […]