Getting an HIV Vaccine to Market – Is That the Real Goal Behind COVID?

Joseph Mercola The COVID-19 vaccine is causing AIDS-like immunodepression, which helps create the perception that we have an urgent need for an HIV vaccine. Several scenarios are now converging to create the suspicion that getting an HIV vaccine to market may be a goal behind COVID-19. The COVID-19 jab is causing AIDS-like immunodepression, which helps […]

Did the CDC Just End COVID-19?

A Midwestern Doctor Many individuals believe the COVID-19 pandemic has been largely from a litany of bad public health policies.  … These guidelines were primarily political rather than scientific and the result of zealous politicians who were highly incompetent, corrupt and likely malicious. Since the time those policies were enacted, a federal investigation confirmed that […]

The Dangers of Monkeypox Hysteria

Thomas Fazi They’ve been repeating it ever since the start of the Covid pandemic: “We are entering an ‘age of pandemics’ — this is just the beginning”. And they’ve been true to their word: no sooner had the threat of Covid started to wane, and most people had started to put the nightmare of the […]

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Canadian Children and Youth

Tracy Vaillancourt et al. Children and youth flourish in environments that are predictable, safe, and structured. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted these protective factors making it difficult for children and youth to adapt and thrive. Pandemic-related school closures, family stress, and trauma have led to increases in mental health problems in some children and youth, […]

The Damage of Masking Children Could be Irreparable

Eric Hussey … Visual neurology – all neurology – requires the correct or appropriate input to develop. Block the proper stimulus that would drive neural development of specific areas at a time of rapid neural growth, and development of the neural network involved is impaired. … What happens if the majority of faces seen by […]

The True Meaning of Masking

Robert Freudenthal “My mask protects you, your mask protects me” is the message that the UK public health authorities and local government have been promoting. … Proponents of this slogan, despite giving significant meaning to the wearing of masks that bears little relationship to the underlying scientific evidence, have been seemingly unable to consider other […]

More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms

Paul Elias Alexander It is not unreasonable to conclude that surgical and cloth masks, used as they currently are being used (without other forms of PPE protection), have no impact on controlling the transmission of Covid-19 virus. Current evidence implies that face masks can be actually harmful. The body of evidence indicates that face masks […]