Batch-independent Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

Max Schmeling, Vibeke Manniche & Peter Riis Hansen … Vaccine vials with individual doses are supplied in batches with stringent quality control to ensure batch and dose uniformity.2 Clinical data on individual vaccine batch levels have not been reported and batch- dependent variation in the clinical efficacy and safety of authorized vaccines would appear to […]
Newly released Internal Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine adverse event surveillance report reveals millions of adverse events, significant portion classified as serious.

The Canadian Independent As more and more Pfizer documents are being released, this particular one stands out as the most alarming to date. The 393-page Pfizer (BNT162B2) COVID-19 vaccine post-marketing surveillance report covers a six-month period from December 19, 2021, to June 18, 2022. The report includes over 10,000 different categories of adverse events. … […]
Pfizer, FDA, Dr Walensky Knew Fetuses, Babies Died

Naomi Wolf Pfizer’s latest-released tranche of internal documents — which the FDA sought a court to keep hidden for 75 years — confirms that Pfizer knew that women who had been “exposed” to the vaccine — including prior to pregnancy – were sustaining spontaneous abortions and miscarriages. … Pfizer knew perfectly well that it was harming multiple […]
Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review

BNT162b2/Pfizer Of the 673 case reports identified in the search, 458 involved BNT162b2 exposure during pregnancy (mother/fetus) and 215 involved exposure during breast-feeding. … The cases reviewed above are indicative of what is in the Pfizer safety database as of28 February 2021. The sponsor (Pfizer/BioNTech) will continue to monitor and report on all pregnancy exposure […]
The False Messaging on Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women

David Bell Recently, a lengthy vaccine evaluation report sponsored by Pfizer and submitted to the Australian regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) dated January 2021 was released under a Freedom of Information request. The report contains significant new information that had been suppressed by the TGA and by Pfizer itself. Much of this relates directly […]
Miscarriages and Dead Infants Were Described in a Secret FDA Review, But Hidden from the Public

Igor Chudov A new document was released to ICAN this April, thanks to a FOIA legal action that compelled the government to provide Pfizer documents they tried to keep secret for 75 years. Indeed, they had a good reason to hide it. That document is called “PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CUMULATIVE REVIEW.” Many findings in it […]
Batch-Dependent Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine

Max Schmeling, Vibeke Manniche and Peter Riis Hansen Vaccination has been widely implemented for mitigation of coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19), and by 11 November 2022, 701 million doses of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) had been administered and linked with 971,021 reports of suspected adverse effects (SAEs) in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA). … Unexpectedly, […]
Serious Variances Found in Pfizer COVID-19 Shot Batches

Liberty Counsel Danish scientists reviewed 52 batches of the Pfizer COVID-19 shot and found variations between them regarding the number of severe adverse events (SAE) reported after injection. The study, published March 30 in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation … showed a correlation between higher SAE occurrences according to a person’s batch number of […]