Every Woman of Child-bearing Age Should Read this Warning on the Covid Vaccines

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Neville Hodgkinson … ‘So I’m here to warn you that if you are of child-bearing potential or younger, so not at menopause, I would strongly recommend you do not accept these vaccines.’   Pfizer themselves say on their website that available data on their Covid vaccine administered to pregnant women ‘are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in […]

How Effective Are Covid Vaccines, Really?

Swiss Policy Research Magic potion or snake oil? An honest look at the international data. … Thus, while the risk/benefit ratio may still be positive in senior citizens and other risk groups (based on current evidence), this does not appear to be the case in healthy young adults and children. Danish professor in global health […]

Patients with Autoimmune Thyroiditis Present Similar Immunological Response to COVID-19 BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine with Health Subjects, While Vaccination May Affect Thyroid Function: A Clinical Study

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Stavroula A. Paschou et al. Scientific endocrine societies have reported early that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and recommended that all endocrine patients should be vaccinated, including those with autoimmune thyroiditis. However, no data exist so far regarding the immunological response to COVID-19 vaccination of these patients. On the other hand, several cases of thyroid dysfunction […]

What FDA Advisors Got Wrong About COVID Vaccines for Young Kids

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James Lyons-Weiler What members of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory committee saw and heard during Wednesday’s meeting should have stopped them from recommending authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months — but it didn’t.

FDA Unanimously Approve Covid Vaccine for 0-4 Years: Unfathomable Decision Given the Trial Data

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Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART) It was depressing that in the FDA open meeting, none of the members pointed out that 2 months follow-up is totally inadequate for assessing safety, nor questioned the use of an antibody level as a measure of success.  … Moderna was also authorised for children at the same meeting, despite several countries having dropped it […]

First Finding From Pfizer

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Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART) … Early analysis has demonstrated several concerning anomalies but crucially it has revealed that the efficacy data was not what was sold. … Pfizer set out in its protocol that efficacy would be measured based on PCR positive test results in symptomatic individuals and, as a secondary measure, N-antibody […]

Pfizer Pfraud

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James Roguski The information in this article was available to the Vaccine Advisory Committee before they made a decision. I pray that everyone reads this article and realizes the truth.

Stabilising the Code

Mike Williams In life and in science, changes have consequences. With hindsight, the bad ones are easy to see, some may argue. But when we examine the natural consequences of changes in the arena of Covid vaccine science, one might be forgiven for asking: surely someone must have cautioned against doing that? Of course it […]